Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The View From Up Here: Sarah's Picture Dump, Part I

The Giant Orb That Is My Belly
(Oh, and my feet.)

Me at 33 weeks.

My Sweeties on Christmas Eve.

Sophie and her new cousin, Elizabeth Marie.

The brothers and their little girls.
Happy 2008!


kel said...

My thoughts:

YOU are an adorable pregnant girl. I love Soph's pigtails. David and Andy are really cute with their babies.

I know this isn't an astonishing number, but I have 5 good friends or family that are pregnant. 3 were announced today.

Wendy's having a boy!!

Megan said...

I LOVE the top picture - that's one of the funnier pictures I've seen.

I have a lot of friends and relatives pregnant right now too. I think it's in the water.