Thursday, November 20, 2008


Ray LaMontagne Iwaszkowiec
approximately 7 months old
51 pounds, about 28 inches tall


Anonymous said...

It's nice to be a dog-aunt once again. He is very handsome, and I look forward to meeting him. Those little ears are just begging to be scratched!

Anonymous said...

whoa. can't believe you got a big shedding dog. Jon will have the vaccuum out 24/7...

also, now Irene/Sparky will have to compete with your dog for her nickname. we were thinking about calling her "Ray" as a nickname...

we are excited to meet the new addition to the family.

Anonymous said...

sparky has a nickname, it's sparky. and i don't think ray will eat swiffer, he's pretty nice.

Huse Yo Mama said...

Aww....congratulations! It's weird. He doesn't look like either of you?

Sars said...

His eyes absolutely kill me. What a cute pooch.

Anonymous said...

Let me know when you need someone to take Ray on walks....